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发布时间: 2020-12-08 09:13:30

『壹』 专卖店的英文表达

dedicated store

『贰』 "专卖店"用英语怎么说

1. exclusive agency
2. speciality stores
3. franchised store

『叁』 明星专卖店翻译成英文是什么

Star brand shop

『肆』 香港苹果专卖店英文名

Apple Store - 在铜锣湾轩尼诗道 500 号希慎广场,九龙塘达之路 80 号又一城和 中环金融街 8 号国际金融中心

『伍』 高分求助:"×××专卖店"英文的准确翻译


special shows

『陆』 "专卖店"用英语怎么说

exclusive agency; franchised store

『柒』 “专卖店”翻译成英文该如何翻,谢谢各位

exclusive store

『捌』 流水账、专卖店用英语怎么表达


流水账 daybook
----1. I disdain to chronicle such victories.
2. Therefore banks maintained a continual tally of all money moving in and out.
3. He posted up his daybook before going out.
4. The clerk wrote up his daybook before going home.

专卖店 speciality store
1. "boutique:a small retail shop that specializes in gifts, fashionable clothes, accessories, or food, for example."
2. This shop specializes in selling women's dresses and provides various styles for your choice.
3. In many countries tobacco is a government monopoly.
"在许多国家,烟草是政府的专卖商品。 "

『玖』 专卖店英语怎么说

专卖店 可以翻译成 Exclusive shop,only shop,specialistic shop

『拾』 跪求 专卖店 英文翻译

The design for the CK perfume shop design, perfume, the word, from the Latin "per fumum" derived, meaning "through smoke." Old Testament reference to perfume, usually refers to a spice form, which is consistent with the definition of Latin. Egyptian history shows, fragrances and ointments, bath and shower for after. They are usually stored in exquisite containers, which in ancient Egyptian tomb found some examples. In other parts of the Middle East and the Far East, as well as China, people have already learned the use of aromatic spices to achieve the pursuit of beauty. 1500 BC, the use of perfume has become increasingly common. It is strange spices they use for the laid their perfume in the next few centuries the development of instry in an important position. 4. Designed to be applied in the literature review.5. Design related technologies and Overseas
The term perfume, from the Latin "per fumum" derived, meaning "through smoke." Old Testament reference to perfume, usually refers to a spice form, which is consistent with the definition of Latin. Egyptian history shows, fragrances and ointments, bath and shower for after. They are usually stored in a elegant container, which in ancient Egyptian tomb found some examples. In other parts of the Middle East and the Far East, as well as China, people have already learned the use of aromatic spices to achieve the pursuit of beauty. 1500 BC, the use of perfume has become increasingly common. It is strange spices they use for the laid their perfume in the next few centuries the development of instry in an important position.
Asians use for the development of perfume have a significant impact, they believe, perfume, even by people not only beautiful, but also to help people live longer. Later, with the decline of the Roman Empire, perfume development is split into two different areas. On the one hand, the German priest invented distillation; other hand, the perfume of the Kingdom - the unique French imports of spices from the East, the excavation of which the aromatic qualities. Thus, the European perfume entered a prosperous period process. Mention of perfume, people will naturally think of elegant, luxurious. Indeed, long ago, only the upper class of nobles can use the perfume. And today, people's preference and the use of perfume has taken place in attitudes and habits change, the modern idea of holding the men and women no longer see the perfume extremely mysterious, distanced themselves from the. They boldly approached the perfume, the trial with its aroma, body odor with its personality, choose with their own brand. Today's perfume is no longer a luxury, it is dotted with the colors of life and interpretation of life taste

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