Ⅰ 中译英:拜访供应商报告
Vendors visit:
1. Suppliers message: Established in 1997, mold started, the main procts for the die casting and stamping parts. 2007 sales of 260 million, accounting for 120 million of its die-casting;
Equipment and testing equipment listed in the annex;
Tanzania can cooperate with by the end of 2005, has begun to be on the Kheitan, Tanzania to the United States, the European suppliers. Tanzanian procts can be characterized by a variety small quantities, there are several parts in the nearly 30 vendors;
Currently vendors are ISO9001 certification, suppliers plan to 2008 into TS16949
Working six days a week, 24 hours a day three classes
2. Projects confirmation message:
Shade guide samples have been received the day before yesterday, the supplier has started sample is expected to be issued to the pre We recognize
12 of the raw materials and parts, raw materials and parts in 10 of the first die-casting has been completed embryo hair, the color of that confirmation will be able to handle processing
100pcs materials and parts has arranged for die-casting, are still forming, the requests would be sent out in the pre -
4) new projects SCRUBB HEAD: Tanzania to provide the latest in the assembly drawings and parts supplier plans to re-evaluate Price, the current providers of assembly, are relatively simple assembly, in Tanzania may be the there is a gap between, vendor evaluation and provide customers decide after Price
4. Number of the issue, the first batch of Preparation: Preparation for the first batch because of the uncertainty and instability quality, suppliers have agreed not in accordance with the smallest amount since 1000 to the operation, tentatively scheled 500 pcs, suppliers can be internal Sample Preparation process by orders. Follow-up on the normal supply of procts, not the number of their procts to meet 1000 pcs, according to the actual annual demand to the supplier; of a large quantity of procts, in accordance with the 1000 pcs single, the two quantities of the proct in accordance with specific shipments customers request or projections; another with suppliers to discuss the issue of safety stocks, suppliers have agreed to Tanzania to establish safety stock, the number of suppliers to meet the month, is based on the Kheitan to 08 and 07 needs , the consumption of comprehensive consideration to the vendor specific security inventory number!
Ⅱ 什么叫考察供应商
Ⅲ 怎样写供应商评比分析报告
一.认真调查供应商,广泛收集供应商的有关数据; 二.对调查情况和收集的数据进行分析对比; 三.将分析对比的结果归纳提炼出有用的论据; 四.具体撰写《关于供应商评比分析报告》:1.概述:根据领导指示(或年度工作计划),于某年某月某日至某年某月某日对哪些供应商采取哪些方法进行了调查研究,现综合评比分析如下,如此云云…… 2.主要供应商的情况:单位名称,法人代表,地址,电话传真号码,企业规模,经济实力,获得哪些荣誉和评优情况,供货能力,商誉信誉情况等等; 3.写出你对比评价分析的结论,比如:综上所述,我认为某公司和某公司(或还有某公司)可以成为我公司的合格供应商等等; 4.要表示谦虚和对领导的尊重,比如:以上意见仅供领导决策时参考,错误之处请领导批评指正,等等。
Ⅳ 对供应商公司考察报告中推荐理由
Ⅳ 解析:“供应商不足三家”怎么办
“为提高采购效率和保护实质响应招标文件要求供应商的利益,在征求采购人意见的基础上,可采取对有2家实质响应招标文件供应商按低价原则直接确定中标供应商。以上意见如无不妥,请遵照执行。”牡丹江市采购中心在一次自动化办公设备邀请招标中,只有两家供应商作出了实质性响应,遂向牡丹江市政府采购办提出请示,得到了这样的批示。 在内蒙古区政府采购中心主任刘恒斌看来,如果信息的公开性及招标文件都没问题,而作出实质性响应的投标人还是不足三家,竞争性谈判还是要照旧进行。“谈判小组和竞争性谈判小组的专家都是在标前由采购中心组织的。组织后就要封闭,如果等着再组织,这么多专家封闭上7天8天的,由谁来养活!” 据了解,河南省洛阳市政府采购中心主任李静介绍,操作中,她们是视情况而定:如果是通过发布招标公告后,供应商来投标,而只有两家合格的,她们就向监管部门打报告,得到批示后,再继续进行;如果是由采购人邀请供应商投标而不足3家的,她们就坚决作流标处理。 亟待完善 “采用竞争性谈判或者询价方式采购的项目中,难免出现‘只有两家符合资质的供应商参与’的情况,在依据法律作废标处理后,用相同方式再次采购又只有两家参与,采购代理机构提出请示——是废标还是就在两家中进行?此时,按照法律‘三家以上’的规定,只能再次废标,否则将招致投诉。但这样下去何时才能采到采购人需要的项目呢。”广州市政府采购处处长袁晓伟说。无独有偶,湖南省政府采购管理办公室主任黄卫也认为,竞争性谈判、询价采购项目的投诉亟需法律完善。 刘恒斌认可“不足三家”仍然进行合理的同时,也提出了采购方式的审批及监管的重要性:采购方式直接决定着采购结果。有些不适宜采用竞争性谈判方式采购的项目就不该用;很多时候“不足三家”也是“指定品牌”导致的结果,汽车协议供货就是典型,如有些采购人就要买帕萨特,内蒙就只有1家帕萨特经销商,“怎么可能有3家以上的投标人呢?而且,如果按照有关规定,同一品牌多家代理商只能以一家计算,那么,即便有多家代理商前来投标,也还是只能算一个投标人。指定品牌后,实际上就变成了单一来源采购。”