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发布时间: 2021-11-07 12:35:20

『壹』 “办一个令人惊喜的派对”英文怎么说

have a surprise party

『贰』 派对为题写80字英文作文活动

Last May 4th was my birthday. I had a party at my home. My relatives and friends came to my home in the evening. And I got a lot of presents from them. My mother prepared a big birthday cake for me. There are even candles on it. After singing the song “Happy birthday”, I shared the cake with my friend and relatives. Then we watched TV and listened to music. Same of the girls danced with the music. We had a good time that day. Now I want to say “Thank you my friends. Thank you my parents! I ’m so happy!”

『叁』 如何准备一个派对 英语作文简单的

Invite your friends to join in the party邀请你的朋友们参加聚会
Invite your friends to join in the party I think that it's a good idea.You can buy some candies,some coffee and milk,you can do yourself to the chocolate milk,and some banana milk .邀请你的朋友们参加聚会我想会是个好主意.你可以买一些糖果,一些咖啡和牛奶,你可以自己做些巧克力奶茶,和一些香蕉牛奶.I think will have had more person will like it.我想将会有更多的人喜欢它们.And you also can organize the three to four groups to talk about the history,geography,photography,English,French,Janpanese and so on.并且你也可以组织三四个小组讨论关于历史,地理,摄影,英语,法语,日语等等.You can prepare for some cookies,and sandwiches.你keyi8准备一些饼干,并且一些三明治.I think it will be very interesting,and you can know more people for the group,and improve your history,gergraphy,photography,English and French.我想它将会是有趣的,并且你可以认识更多的人,并且提高你的历史,地理,摄影,英语和法语.But you should be prepare for the topic for English and French.I think it will very interesting.但是,你应该准备关于英语和法语的话题.我想它会是一个有趣的聚会.

『肆』 英语派对(English Corner)应该怎么进行怎么组织

首先来回答你的第一个问题 其实没有必要纯用英语 首先要让大家对你举办的活动感兴趣,而不是产生畏惧心理。我的建议是刚开始开展活动时气氛要活跃起来,不能太沉闷,可以搞一些活动,当然这些活动首先要和英语有关,再就是不要搞太久。要抓住办活动的宗旨,可以刚开始的时候选一些人唱个英文歌,一句都行。等到以后再慢慢走向正轨,慢慢的纯英文交流。

『伍』 举办一个生日派对怎么(英文翻译)


party 读法 英['pɑːtɪ]美['pɑrti]

1、n. 政党,党派;聚会,派对;当事人 [复数 parties]

2、vi. 参加社交聚会 [ 过去式 partied 过去分词 partied 现在分词 partying ]


1、communist party of china 中国共产党

2、party a契约甲方

3、political party政党

4、birthday party 生日宴会

5、party branch党支部


We threw a huge birthday party.




social 读法 英['səʊʃ(ə)l]美['soʃl]

1、adj. 社会的,社交的;群居的

2、n. 联谊会;联欢会


1、social system社会制度;社会系统

2、social practice社会实践

3、social order社会秩序

4、social structure社会结构

5、social support社会支持


We have known each other socially for a long time.


『陆』 华尔街英语派对活动具体都有哪些主题


『柒』 英语作文作为一个派对策划者

hello,i am LeeHwa,October 14th is my Birthday,i invited my some Classmates in my class to go in for my Birthday party.i was glad that lots of them Arrived Despite the heavy rain.my Classmates prepared many Birthday gifts and i Accepted happily as well.then we altogether ate cakes,Sang and took Photos.It lasted until 10:00.Everyone was Happy that day.

『捌』 派对的英文十ing

派对的英文为pαrty,是名词,不能加ing。如果加,只能这样用:taking a party.

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