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發布時間: 2021-11-25 02:05:03

Ⅰ 中譯英:拜訪供應商報告

Vendors visit:
1. Suppliers message: Established in 1997, mold started, the main procts for the die casting and stamping parts. 2007 sales of 260 million, accounting for 120 million of its die-casting;
Equipment and testing equipment listed in the annex;
Tanzania can cooperate with by the end of 2005, has begun to be on the Kheitan, Tanzania to the United States, the European suppliers. Tanzanian procts can be characterized by a variety small quantities, there are several parts in the nearly 30 vendors;
Currently vendors are ISO9001 certification, suppliers plan to 2008 into TS16949
Working six days a week, 24 hours a day three classes
2. Projects confirmation message:
Shade guide samples have been received the day before yesterday, the supplier has started sample is expected to be issued to the pre We recognize
12 of the raw materials and parts, raw materials and parts in 10 of the first die-casting has been completed embryo hair, the color of that confirmation will be able to handle processing
100pcs materials and parts has arranged for die-casting, are still forming, the requests would be sent out in the pre -
4) new projects SCRUBB HEAD: Tanzania to provide the latest in the assembly drawings and parts supplier plans to re-evaluate Price, the current providers of assembly, are relatively simple assembly, in Tanzania may be the there is a gap between, vendor evaluation and provide customers decide after Price
4. Number of the issue, the first batch of Preparation: Preparation for the first batch because of the uncertainty and instability quality, suppliers have agreed not in accordance with the smallest amount since 1000 to the operation, tentatively scheled 500 pcs, suppliers can be internal Sample Preparation process by orders. Follow-up on the normal supply of procts, not the number of their procts to meet 1000 pcs, according to the actual annual demand to the supplier; of a large quantity of procts, in accordance with the 1000 pcs single, the two quantities of the proct in accordance with specific shipments customers request or projections; another with suppliers to discuss the issue of safety stocks, suppliers have agreed to Tanzania to establish safety stock, the number of suppliers to meet the month, is based on the Kheitan to 08 and 07 needs , the consumption of comprehensive consideration to the vendor specific security inventory number!

Ⅱ 什麼叫考察供應商



Ⅲ 怎樣寫供應商評比分析報告

一.認真調查供應商,廣泛收集供應商的有關數據; 二.對調查情況和收集的數據進行分析對比; 三.將分析對比的結果歸納提煉出有用的論據; 四.具體撰寫《關於供應商評比分析報告》:1.概述:根據領導指示(或年度工作計劃),於某年某月某日至某年某月某日對哪些供應商採取哪些方法進行了調查研究,現綜合評比分析如下,如此雲雲…… 2.主要供應商的情況:單位名稱,法人代表,地址,電話傳真號碼,企業規模,經濟實力,獲得哪些榮譽和評優情況,供貨能力,商譽信譽情況等等; 3.寫出你對比評價分析的結論,比如:綜上所述,我認為某公司和某公司(或還有某公司)可以成為我公司的合格供應商等等; 4.要表示謙虛和對領導的尊重,比如:以上意見僅供領導決策時參考,錯誤之處請領導批評指正,等等。

Ⅳ 對供應商公司考察報告中推薦理由


Ⅳ 解析:「供應商不足三家」怎麼辦

「為提高采購效率和保護實質響應招標文件要求供應商的利益,在徵求采購人意見的基礎上,可採取對有2家實質響應招標文件供應商按低價原則直接確定中標供應商。以上意見如無不妥,請遵照執行。」牡丹江市采購中心在一次自動化辦公設備邀請招標中,只有兩家供應商作出了實質性響應,遂向牡丹江市政府采購辦提出請示,得到了這樣的批示。 在內蒙古區政府采購中心主任劉恆斌看來,如果信息的公開性及招標文件都沒問題,而作出實質性響應的投標人還是不足三家,競爭性談判還是要照舊進行。「談判小組和競爭性談判小組的專家都是在標前由采購中心組織的。組織後就要封閉,如果等著再組織,這么多專家封閉上7天8天的,由誰來養活!」 據了解,河南省洛陽市政府采購中心主任李靜介紹,操作中,她們是視情況而定:如果是通過發布招標公告後,供應商來投標,而只有兩家合格的,她們就向監管部門打報告,得到批示後,再繼續進行;如果是由采購人邀請供應商投標而不足3家的,她們就堅決作流標處理。 亟待完善 「採用競爭性談判或者詢價方式采購的項目中,難免出現『只有兩家符合資質的供應商參與』的情況,在依據法律作廢標處理後,用相同方式再次采購又只有兩家參與,采購代理機構提出請示——是廢標還是就在兩家中進行?此時,按照法律『三家以上』的規定,只能再次廢標,否則將招致投訴。但這樣下去何時才能採到采購人需要的項目呢。」廣州市政府采購處處長袁曉偉說。無獨有偶,湖南省政府采購管理辦公室主任黃衛也認為,競爭性談判、詢價采購項目的投訴亟需法律完善。 劉恆斌認可「不足三家」仍然進行合理的同時,也提出了采購方式的審批及監管的重要性:采購方式直接決定著采購結果。有些不適宜採用競爭性談判方式采購的項目就不該用;很多時候「不足三家」也是「指定品牌」導致的結果,汽車協議供貨就是典型,如有些采購人就要買帕薩特,內蒙就只有1家帕薩特經銷商,「怎麼可能有3家以上的投標人呢?而且,如果按照有關規定,同一品牌多家代理商只能以一家計算,那麼,即便有多家代理商前來投標,也還是只能算一個投標人。指定品牌後,實際上就變成了單一來源采購。」

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