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發布時間: 2021-11-07 22:48:26

㈠ 招商英文的不同翻譯 如招商引資,招商局, 招商辦等等



1.1 Enterprise-establishing

1.2 canvass business orders

2、招商局:Investment Invitation Bureau

3、招商辦:Business Importing Office

4、招商引資:Drawing Foreign Capital & Business

5、招標:Bid inviting

6、招商代理部:Outside Investment) Inviting Agent Department

7、業務范圍:Business Scope

8、產品展示:PRODUCT Proct

9、合作加盟: Join in Cooperation

10、招商引資工作領導小組辦公室:Investment Invitation Leading Group Office




That'sprobablytrueifthe governmentrefuses todo whatitmusttoattract business.


Responsibilities:Responsible forpersonnel,foreign economy,foreign affairs,attract investment,tradecooperation,state-ownedassetsadministrationand otherwork.

㈡ 招商的英文單詞

招商Business Invitation
引資Investment Attraction
招商引資 (動詞) Invite business and attract investment
發布信內息容 issue the news 或 publish the information

㈢ 求一篇FDI、招商引資有關的中英文對照論文


㈣ 招商引資等成語的英語翻譯

順序為:attract investment;known far and wide;seek the common ground while puting aside difference;with global,world-famous international;in the interest lt the current and future generations;break new ground for the future;time tries all;no gain without pain,no cross,no crown;ship to bridge to natural straight.

㈤ 「招商引資」的英文應該怎麼拼

招商Business Invitation 引資Investment Attraction 招商引資 (動詞) Invite business and attract investment發布信息 issue the news 或 publish the information

㈥ 求關於招商引資的英文一篇


㈦ 招商手冊英文怎麼說但是這里的招商不是招商引資,是招


merchants manual更多釋義>>


招商手冊 Merchants manual;Investment guide
招商手冊文案發北京 HOOFEE
招商運營手冊 Merchants operating manual;Investment operations manual

㈧ 請各位高手提供一些有關投資,招商引資方面的英文詞彙,急用!

投資:to invest investment[名詞]
招標:to invite bids or tenders
引資:to introce capital

㈨ 英語翻譯 我們成功完成了這個項目的規劃和招商引資展示

We have successfully completed the planning of this project and the demonstration for investment invitation.

㈩ 「招商引資」的英文怎麼說

attract/invite investments from overseas(如自果不是從國外引資把from overseas 去掉)

或者bid for investments(投標的方式引資)

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